The Song Remains the Same, Sick Again, Nobody's Fault But Mine, In My Time of Dying, Since I've Been Loving You, No Quarter*, Ten Years Gone*, The Battle of Evermore*, Going to California, Black Country Woman, Bron-Y-Aur Stomp, White Summer/Black Mountain Side, Kashmir, Over the Top, Achilles Last Stand, Stairway to Heaven, Heartbreaker
*- soundboard: (master cassette>dat)
The tape begins with a brief soundcheck before the band launches into The Song Remains the Same. Plant's voice starts off a bit rough, taking a few songs to really warm up. Page's fingers are a bit sticky during the guitar solos in Sick Again. As the song ends, someone near the taper can be heard saying "my ears are hurtin'." After greeting the crowd, Plant apologizes for the delay, joking "welcome to the midnight movie." In My Time of Dying features the usual You Shook Me tease toward the end of the song. Page's soloing is elegantly restrained during a somber Since I've Been Loving You.
No Quarter is simply amazing. Jones's elaborate piano solo makes way for a fantastically epic instrumental section. The band moves as one as they expertly traverse the vast musical terrain, lead by the urgent cadences of Page's volatile guitar solo. An outstanding performance. Ten Years Gone is introduced as "a song about a love that could have been good, but went by the wayside." Page's fingers are a bit sticky during the guitar solos. Going to California in absolutely beautiful, one of the best thus far. Unfortunately, the song is periodically disrupted by two people talking loudly near the taper. Plant skips some lyrics during Black Country Woman, ruining the end of the song. Page's fingers dance across the fretboard during an excellent White Summer/Black Mountain Side.
There is a slight cut in the tape during a source change near the end of Kashmir. Over the Top is incomplete as well. The crowd erupts as Achilles Last Stand explodes into motion. The band hammers through the song at a frantic pace. The walls of the arena quake under the power of Bonzo's thunderous pounding. Page shreds wildly through the guitar solo during Stairway to Heaven. Plant pushes his voice to the limit during the initial verses of Heartbreaker. Unfortunately, the recording ends during Page's a cappella solo.
The first source is fairly clear, if a bit noisy in the high end. The second source is distant, muffled, and boomy. The soundboard tape is excellent, if a bit hissy.
This show has, perhaps, my favorite version of No Quarter. Ten Years Gone starts out outstandingly, but becomes kind of boring for the last two minutes.
Featuring the 22-minute grand piano solo of "No Quarter" on this performance.
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